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Baby & Mother Health


Donation Overview

Support medical care for Palestinian mothers, babies and children up to 6 years old.

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Your gift will fund mothers-to-be and new mothers to attend the Well Baby Clinic in Jordan.  Medical staff monitor the mother’s health and the baby’s development, providing treatment, nutritional supplements and support.  Children can attend the clinic for free until aged 6.  Many Palestinian refugees live in cramped, unhygienic camps with inadequate basic infrastructure.


Your gift will fund mothers-to-be and new mothers to attend the Well Baby Clinic in Jordan.  Medical staff monitor the mother’s health and the baby’s development, providing treatment, nutritional supplements and support.  Children can attend the clinic for free until aged 6.  Many Palestinian refugees live in cramped, unhygienic camps with inadequate basic infrastructure.

Life changing Stories

Your gifts have the power to change lives. Read some of the stories made possible
by Gifted and Christian World Service.

The chance to go to school

After Tuna’s father was badly injured in a petrol fire, he could no longer work as a policeman.  Her mother...

For a mother like Ruqaya

Two months ago, when Ruqaya saw there was going to be a free medical clinic...

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