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Parachutes and Clowns (e-card)


Donation Overview

Give psychotherapy sessions for Gaza’s traumatised children and their parents.

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Your gift means a group of 8-12 children can attend 8 sessions of group therapy a month.  The groups are led by a psychologist who will provide extra support if needed.  For many, their behaviour improves by the end of the programme.  A parachute is a central tool in their therapy.  Many of Gaza’s children suffer from post-traumatic stress and anxiety.


Your gift means a group of 8-12 children can attend 8 sessions of group therapy a month.  The groups are led by a psychologist who will provide extra support if needed.  For many, their behaviour improves by the end of the programme.  A parachute is a central tool in their therapy.  Many of Gaza’s children suffer from post-traumatic stress and anxiety.

Life changing Stories

Your gifts have the power to change lives. Read some of the stories made possible
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