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School Supplies


Donation Overview

Fund classroom materials, support teachers and finish the school rebuild in Haiti.

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Your gift will contribute to school running costs in rural Haiti.  Parents want their children to learn to read and work with numbers – something many missed out on growing up.   As poor peasant farmers, they know education offers opportunities to improve their lives and livelihoods. They are deeply involved in their local primary school but cannot earn enough to pay all the costs.  Your donation will fund classroom materials, the teacher salaries and training, and the completion of the new school building.


Your gift will contribute to school running costs in rural Haiti.  Parents want their children to learn to read and work with numbers – something many missed out on growing up.   As poor peasant farmers, they know education offers opportunities to improve their lives and livelihoods. They are deeply involved in their local primary school but cannot earn enough to pay all the costs.  Your donation will fund classroom materials, the teacher salaries and training, and the completion of the new school building.

Life changing Stories

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