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An Elephant (e-card)


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Support for campaigns to protect people and the environment in Sri Lanka.

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In Sri Lanka, wild elephants and other creatures are losing their habitat.  Forest reserve land has been taken for large-scale development and agricultural projects like reservoirs and plantations.  Wild elephants wander into villages and fields in search of food.  Support Monlar campaigns to protect reserves, and the lives of humans and elephants.


In Sri Lanka, wild elephants and other creatures are losing their habitat.  Forest reserve land has been taken for large-scale development and agricultural projects like reservoirs and plantations.  Wild elephants wander into villages and fields in search of food.  Support Monlar campaigns to protect reserves, and the lives of humans and elephants.

Life changing Stories

Your gifts have the power to change lives. Read some of the stories made possible
by Gifted and Christian World Service.

For a mother like Ruqaya

Two months ago, when Ruqaya saw there was going to be a free medical clinic near the refugee camp in...

Chickens and a Dream Garden

Happy Chickens feed a family Mrs Lelenoa (79 years) is proud of her chickens and...

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