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100 Vibrant Vegetables (e-card)


Donation Overview

Seeds, plants, tools for a climate-resilient garden that will feed a hungry family.

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Your gift will give a family the training and resources they need to grow a new climate-resilient garden.  They will receive a variety of seeds and plants that are suited to the area.  The gardens may be close to home or further away.  Some will need to build raised beds to avoid salty water and others will need irrigation systems to cope with drought.  With 100 vibrant vegetables, families will be healthier and able to improve their livelihoods.

When you buy this gift, you will be contributing to our Agriculture Fund.  It will be used in one of the countries where our partners work, or after conflict or disaster.


Your gift will give a family the training and resources they need to grow a new climate-resilient garden.  They will receive a variety of seeds and plants that are suited to the area.  The gardens may be close to home or further away.  Some will need to build raised beds to avoid salty water and others will need irrigation systems to cope with drought.  With 100 vibrant vegetables, families will be healthier and able to improve their livelihoods.

When you buy this gift, you will be contributing to our Agriculture Fund.  It will be used in one of the countries where our partners work, or after conflict or disaster.

Life changing Stories

Your gifts have the power to change lives. Read some of the stories made possible
by Gifted and Christian World Service.

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